Synergy Solutions 5 Years Later: How the Company and Community Has Thrived
Synergy Solutions received an investment from AMCREF Community Capital in 2014. Under the guidance of Matt Piell, an abandoned recycling center was transformed into an upcycling center. It brought innovation to the ethanol and recycling industries and revitalized the small town of Cordele, GA.
Environmental Impact
Matt Piell proudly states that the environment also sees a significant benefit from the company’s ethanol program. Ethanol was traditionally created from crops like corn. This had an impact on the domestic food supply and was costly to produce. Synergy Solutions takes alcohol and sugar products that are normally destined to take up space in a landfill or sewer system and turns it into ethanol. This keeps millions of gallons of alcohol from being stored in landfills and creates ethanol with no impact on the food supply and fewer greenhouse emissions.
The facility ran by Matt Piell produces cellulosic ethanol. This advanced biofuel is also known as second-generation biofuel. Second-generation biofuels eliminate many problems seen with first-generation fuels. Advanced ethanol production helps facilitate energy self-sustainability and reduced dependence on oil. It also reduces greenhouse emissions. and ground-level ozone. It is often added to gasoline as a clean air additive.
Synergy Solutions is committed to ensuring that every part of the products they receive are properly used. Containers are sorted and processed. They are then sent to end-users or recyclers. However, they have another way to further reduce waste. They produce biochar. Biochar is a soil stabilizer and amendment that helps farmers keep their soil healthy from year to year, and allows all the biomass waste to be used.
Community Impact
Matt Piell states Synergy Solutions is one of the top five employers in the town, with over 100 full-time employees. Local businesses also get a boost from the presence of Synergy Solutions. According to Matt Piell, the company hires locals whenever possible. In fact, their initial investment in the town was $26 million.
Looking to the Future
Matt Piell hopes to make Synergy Solutions an Internationally recognized facility for state of the art renewable waste management. In addition to an ethanol plant and a recycling center, they have a research and development lab. They are always working to innovate processes and discover new ideas. In addition to responsible and sustainable waste management, the company wants to promote energy self-reliance.